
Article XI Local Rules




If in doubt which rule applies in any circumstance, play one Ball according to your understanding and another according to your playing partners understanding. After holing out both Balls, note the two Scores and immediately after you finished your round ask the CMSG Captain that day for a ruling. then write down the final score for the hole(s) in question and sign your score card. Captains decision is final.


TREE ROOTS – If your ball comes to rest on a tree root or close to a tree root on the fairway you are entitled to a free drop. This drop must be backwards in line from where you ball lies and the pin. (Even if means there is a tree in that line. The relief is not from the tree or line of the tree, it is only from the tree root) This does not apply to standing on a tree root, only if your swing is possibly hindered by the tree root. This is to ensure that no injury to a member is caused by hitting that tree root.

ORNAMENTAL GRASS – Stands of ornamental grass such as those on holes 10 and 17 at North Hill and 17 at MaeJo are NOT considered garden beds. You do not get a free drop. Play the ball as it lies or take a penalty drop at nearest point of relief no closer to the hole.

OUT OF BOUNDS – If you ball goes out of bounds you have two options.      1. Play another shot from where the original shot was played for a one shot penalty or 2. You may play a ball from the fairway not closer to the hole adjacent to where you ball went OB but NO CLOSER TO THE HOLE, with a two shot penalty.

LOST BALL – If you ball is lost you have two options. 1. Go back and play another ball from the same spot as you played your last shot for a one shot penalty. 2. You may play another ball from the fairway at a point where your ball crossed the margin of the fairway no closer to the hole for a two shot penalty.

COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION FOR A BALL THAT MAY BE OB OR LOST  – IF you believe you may have trouble finding your ball or unsure if you are OB play a provisional ball to aid pace of play. Ball MUST be called provisional or it is play.

NOTE – If you find your first ball, except if it is OB, your first ball is in play even if it is in a penalty area or if you believe it is not playable. This applies even if you find your ball in the water. Once you find your first ball it cannot be considered lost.  Provisional ball cannot be played once the original ball is found.

CUT EDGES AROUND GREEN – Where there is a distinct cut around the edge of the green and the join impedes your putting stroke you are entitled to free relief no closer to hole. No Penalty. Note this free relief may mean you are putting from just off the green.

BUNKERS – If you ball comes to rest in a bunker in a dog paw print you are entitled to place your ball at the nearest point from that paw print no closer to the hole with no penalty.

LIFT, CLEAN and REPLACE – When captains advise that “lift clean and replace” is operative, then members, provided that their ball lies on closely mown areas, have the option to mark their ball, pick it up and clean it and then replace the ball within 6 inches, not nearer the hole. For this local rule’s purposes this benefit given by the captains is not regarded as “relief” under Rule 14.3 and therefore a replacement ball cannot be substituted unless the original is damaged and consent has been obtained by the member’s marker.

LIGHT POLES –  If you hit a light pole or its base anywhere on the course you must replay your shot with no penalty. (Even if the light pole has had a beneficial effect, the shot must still be replayed). However, if the light pole is not on the course, e.g. in an out-of-bounds area, then the ball that struck it is still deemed to be the ball in play.

Local Rules @ LANNA Golf Course – Revision 20.02.17

Holes 3, 7, & 11 – Bougainvillea Shrubs in centre of the fairways that are supported by cement stakes. A free drop may be taken only if a cement stake impedes your stance or swing (not the vegetation) – drop 1 club length away from the nearest point of relief, no nearer to the pin. Free relief from the concrete post only. Otherwise a penalty drop. If it is determined that your ball is lost inside the bush refer to CMSG Lost Ball rule above.

The Race Course (Course 3) – holes 6, 8 & 9. There are white stakes on the left of hole 6, on the right of hole 9 and on both sides of hole 8 that define the boundary between fairways. If your ball comes to rest on an adjoining fairway you must drop back onto your own fairway within 2 club lengths of the boundary no nearer to the hole for a penalty of 1 stroke.

Ant hills are considered to be “loose impediments” and may be removed if they impede stance of swing (Rule 32-1, Decision 23/5). There is no relief if your ball is touching an ant hill .

Local Rules @ MAE JO Golf Course

Hole 4 – The small trees with the white flowers in front of the Blue, Yellow and White Tee Marker is considered a penalty area.  Tee up again from the Tee Box with a stroke penalty.

Hole 6  – If your Ball crosses over on the right side were the lake starts and all the way alongside were the new fence is built, it is considered that your Ball is in the penalty area. Even if you see or find your Ball on the right side of the fence, you are NOT allowed to play this Ball. It is to be treated as OB. You have to drop the Ball on the left side of the fence, not closer to the Hole, one shot penalty, or use one of the drop zones as long as that drop zone is no closer to the hole, one penalty shot.

Hole 9 – If hitting off the tee box and the ball enters the water in front of the tee box or enters the water on the left of the tee box you are permitted to take 3 off the tee on declaration of a lost ball or take a drop after the 1st water hazard in front of the tee box.  It is considered unfair advantage to take a drop at the large tree drop zone.

Local rules @ North Hill

  • Unusual to have OB in the middle of a course but that is the case on the left of holes 7 on the opposite side of the water & past the water hazard on the left on 15.
  • HOLE 12 – DRIVE only – anything right of the cart path is OB.

Local rules @ Hariphunchai

Drop Zones for Hazards:

The only drop zones that shall be recognised as such are the ones that are clearly marked with signage and / or two gold-coloured spheres. At present these are found by the hazards at holes 3, 5, 7 and 9.

Sometimes during the year cut squares in the grass are used as drop zones and caddies advise players that they are drop zones. However, so that we are consistent, these must NOT be used unless there is signage or the square is spray painted “DZ” (drop zone). If you play from anywhere that is not so marked, you will incur a 2 stroke penalty for “playing your ball from the wrong place”.

Therefore, apart from the signed drop areas, you must otherwise play your ball within two club’s lengths from the POINT OF ENTRY to the hazard and not nearer the hole for a 1 shot penalty.


In order to speed up play, with your approach shot to the green, if you are in doubt whether your ball has crossed the water and is in the rough just above the water line, or whether the ball has crossed the hazard and rolled back down the hill into the rough, then you MAY play a provisional ball (even though it is a water hazard and usually this is not allowed).

If you cannot find your ball, then the provisional is the ball in play with the appropriate penalty.
If you find your ball and can play it, then that is what you do – no penalty. (the provisional ball is ignored}
BUT If you find your ball but it is unplayable, then normally this would be the ball in play and you would pick up your provisional ball. and then take penalty relief for the original ball. However, because they are yellow stakes, there is no option for lateral relief. Rather than go back to the other side of the water, and play your next shot from there and with a penalty, your provisional ball with the appropriate penalty will be deemed to be the ball in play.