Chiang Mai Social Golfers

AGM 2025

Thursday January 23rd 2025 Gymkhana 11.00 a.m.

To be eligible to vote members must be fully paid up. Annual dues will be accepted on the day of the meeting prior to its start.

Matters to be voted on


President – nominations required

Treasurer/Secretary – Chris Ryan is willing to continue

Handicapper – Julian Wing is willing to continue

Lanna Captain – John Orlebeck is willing to continue

Maejo Wednesday – Roger Bishop proposed by Chris Ryan, seconded by Iain Craig

Maejo Friday – Randy Teisl proposed by John Orlebeck, seconded by Julian Wing

Hariphunchai – Brian Rundle proposed by Julian Wing, seconded by Nigel Stubbs

North Hill – nominations required if North Hill is to remain as a regular venue


Resolutions to be voted on


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