Chiang Mai Social Golfers

Last Month

Match Reports May 2024

Maejo, 31.05.2024

Got a bit hot on the back 9, but overall the weather was not too bad. Just to be boring we played stableford again and some very good scores. Randy was 3rd with 39, Aom was 2nd with 41 and Jeff won with 43. Well done all, see you next week.

Randy, Jeff and Aom

Maejo May 31st 2024

North Hill, 31.05.2024

Stableford with a twist today, for every club under 14 in the bag you received an extra shot on your handicap. Players removed between 3 and 8 clubs from their bags. 7 members and two guests today, welcome Ron and Terry. The birdie hole went on week 5 to Bill Duthie. In 3rd was Nigel Stubbs with 37 points. Second was Lamyai Prasarn with 42 points. Todays winner was Bill Duthie with 10 clubs, 4 birdies and 44 points. Well done all.

Nigel, Bill and Lamyai.

Mae Jo, 29.05.2024

9 members for our stableford round in very humid conditions on a very quiet course. We had one drop out after 6 holes with back problems leaving 8 to finish the round. There were some reasonable scores today, we had a tie for 2nd place with Aom and Kuzie carding 35 points, but our runaway winner was Chris with 42 points. Well done all and see you again on Friday. 

Kuzie, Chris and Aom.

Maejo May 29th 2024Lanna, 27.05.24

Another beautiful day with 5 players on a quiet course. 1st group was a 2 ball and went round in 3 hrs 20.

No takers for the Birdie Hole. We had a tie for 1st between Bill Duthie and Prajit Bacchi with 36 points.

Bill and Poong

Lanna 1&2 May 27th 2024

Maejo, 24,05.2024

A lovely cool day for golf, a light rain just after the turn for a couple of holes and then dry and cool again. Not busy either and we were in the caddy shack and on the beer by 11.30. 8 players today, all in the stableford comp. Rick was 3rd with 34, Aom was 2nd with 36 and Kuzie was in first position with 37. Well done all. See you next week.

Aom, Kuzie and Rick

Maejo May 24th 2024

North Hill, 24.05.2023

Just 5 members for stableford again today. We requested a tenth tee start  as a group of Koreans teed off from the first. A great decision as our first 2 ball caught  them up on our 18th hole, their ninth!!! No takers for the birdie hole on week 4. The scoring, was to say the least, poor. In second was Nigel Stubbs with 28 points. Welcome back Tom Burger, who won with just 31 points.

Tom and Nigel

North Hill May 24th 2024 (1)

Hariphunchai, 22.05.2024

Just 4 members today as most of our regulars couldn’t make this week, due to a variety of reasons. Today’s winner was Julian Wing with 35 points. Bill Duthie was second with 34 points.

Julian and Bill

Hariphunchai May 22nd 2024

Mae Jo, 22.05.2024

5 members and one guest for todays stableford round in very humid conditions. It was a family affair with Aom taking out first place with 35 points and Randy 2nd spot on 33 points. Well done all and see you again on Friday. The Ric Cameron Memoral will be on the 12th. of June, an email is coming.

The Tiesls.

Maejo May 22nd 2024

Lanna, 20.05.24

Nice warm day again with no crowd. 4 players today so we played Stableford. No takers for the Birdie Hole. Jay Jones(25) came 1st with 36 points and Kenny Jones(17) kept it in the family coming 2nd with 33 points. Hope to see all next week.



Lanna 1 & 2 May 20th

Maejo, 17.05.2024

Lovely weather for golf, mainly overcast and the sun hardly broke through and no rain. 8 starters today, all members, so with the even numbers we played stableford 2 ball multiplier for a change. Rick and Iain were 2nd 57 points and the family team of Aom and Randy were clear winners with 66. Well done all and see you next week.

Iain and Rick, Aom and Randy

Maejo May 17th 2024

North Hill, 17.05.2024

5 members for stableford today. A little bit of doubt due to the weather but all remained dry. The first 2 ball finished in 2 hours 8 minutes! Welcome back to Bill Duthie.The second group were a fraction over 3 hours, giving the 2 ball time for a leisurely breakfast. Tied for first were Brian Rundle and Nigel Stubbs with 35 points each. No takers for the birdie hole on week 3.

Brian and Nigel

North Hill May 17th 2024

Hariphunchai, 15.05,2024

Just 4 members today as it seemed everybody had excuses, doctors’ appointments, returning to Norway and recovering from operations if our regulars are to be believed. Anyway, unfortunately they didn’t miss much as our round was curtailed by the weather. We had drizzle but there was a lot of lightning around so we decided to pack in early.

Brian Rundle was declared the winner with 23 points when we stopped and Julian Wing was second with 22 points

Julian and Brian

Lanna, 13.05.24

7 players today on 3&1. Beautiful day, good conditions and no people. No takers for the Birdie Hole. We had a tie for 3rd between Lamyai(24) and Jeff Routt(21) with 35 points. Jack Reutter(31) came 2nd with 38 and our winner with an excellent round was Ian Rogers(18) with 39 points. We will be here next week with a Stableford Nassau on 1 & 2 if you’re not going to Chiang Rai. Hope to see you.


Lanna May 13th 2024

Maejo, 10.05.2024

A bit cooler today after the rain, but still a bit sticky towards the end. 13 players today, 12 in the comp and Kay Kay submitting her 3rd card for her handicap. Welcome to Social Golfers Kay Kay and we’ll see you in the comp with a handicap when you’re back in June. In the meantime, please sort out the mess in Myanmar while you’re back home. 3 of the 4 groups today got round in very good time, but one 4-ball got stuck behind 2 groups of our delightful friends from Korea and came in a full hour later. Stableford again due to the odd numbers but no great scores. Aom was 3rd with 31, Iain was 2nd with 33and today’s winner was Randy with 34.

Aom, Randy and Iain

Maejo May 10th 2024

North Hill, 10.05.2024

Just 4 members for todays strokeplay event. Some staying away because of the current pricing. The golf was so bad today it was an Abba Day, The Winner Takes It All!!! No takers for the birdie hole on week 2. Todays champion was James Ma with a nett 81. Well persevered all.


North Hill May 10th 2024

Mae Jo, 08.05.2024

8 members for todays round in quite humid conditions. Back to normal as the course was very quiet. To the results, Randy took the candy with 37 points followed by a drawn 2nd place shared by Mike and Mark on 34 points. Hope to see a few more on Friday.

Mike and Randy.

Maejo May 8th 2024

Hariphunchai, 06.05.2024

9 golfers on a cooler day than recently – enjoyable golfing weather for once. There was a fair amount of storm damage but this did not affect anyone’s enjoyment.

The scores were mediocre with one exception. In third was Nigel Stubbs with 33 points. Julian Wing was runner-up with 34 points, but the run-away winner was Christian Friis with 42 points.

We say Bon Voyage today to Christian who is returning to Norway for a couple of months and also wish Tom Agna all the best for his coming medical treatment and Tom, we hope you recover soon and are back on the course in the not too distant future.

Till next week…..

Nigel, Christian and Julian

Hariphunchai May 8th 2024

Lanna, 06.05.2024

7 players on a hot day. No takers for the Birdie Hole. Serge & Lamyai tied 2nd with net 74. Prajat had a very nice net 68 to win. Welcome back to me and my new clubs. Unfortunately my old game came , too.

Lamyai, Prajat and Serge

Lanna 1&2 May 6th 2024




Maejo, 03.05.2024

Not too smokey today after last night’s rain, also rather cooler than over the last few weeks. 11 players today, 10 in the comp and 1 new member submitting her 1st card for her handicap. Welcome to the Social Golfers Kay Kay, we look forward to playing with you regularly in the future. We all got round in well under 4 hours and were ready for a beer afterwards at the caddy shack. Stableford again just to be boring with some decent and some rather poor scores. Randy was second with 37 and Joe was the winner with 39 points. Well done one and all, and hopefully see you next week.

Maejo May 3rd 2024

North Hill, 03.05.2014

8 members for todays stableford, again steamy and hot despite a light breeze. No takers for the bridie hole on week 1. Tied for third were Garry Walker and Nigel Stubbs with a poor 30 points. In second was Lamyai Prasarn with 37 points. Todays winner was Brian Rundle with a fine 39 points. Please note there is no reduction in price from last month.

Nigel, Lamyai, Brian and Garry.

North Hill May 3rd 2024

Maejo 01.05.2024

Only 5 for todays game in HOT conditions. The winner was Eric with 36 points. Hope the heat dies down as it is not pleasant out there. See who ever on Friday. Sorry no picture.

Maejo May 1st 2024
















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