Chiang Mai Social Golfers

Present Month

June 2024

Lanna, 01.07.2024

9 players for Stroke Play on 1 & 2. A bit crowded but we still played in 4 hours. Lovely weather, no rain. No takers for the Birdie Hole. Jay Jones (30) came 3rd with net 73. We had a tie for 1st with net 72 between Kenny Jones (17) and Bill Duthie (9). Hope to see you next week on Course 3 & 1.

Bill, Jay and Kenny

Lanna 1&2 July 1st 2024

Maejo, 28.06.2024

Nice weather for golf today, but got a bit warm after 9 holes. 14 players for today’s stableford event, a decent turn out for a change and some good scores, also for a change. Aom was 3rd with 38 and Iain and Rob were first equal with 41points. Well done all.

Maejo currently has a deal that may be of interest to Thai-resident non-members and Eagle members. You can buy coupons for Baht1250 including green fee, caddy and cart. The coupons can be used up until 1st October this year, but you have to buy them by this Sunday.

Aom, Rob and Iain

Maejo June 28th 2024

North Hill, 28.06.2024

7 members and 2 guests for todays stableford competition. Warm and humid conditions prevailed again. No takers for the birdie hole on week 4. The scoring was better than last week. In third with 31 points was Nigel Stubbs, Second went to Brian Rundle with 33 points. Todays winner was Garry Walker with 35 points. See you next week.

Brian, Garry and Nigel.

North Hill June 28th 2024

Hariphunchai, 26.06.24

8 Intrepid souls set off from Chiangmai with it absolutely bucketing down, more in hope rather than expectation of being able to play. To our amazement though as soon as we passed the “makro flyover” just before Lamphun it miraculously stopped raining altogether and most of the roads were dry. It had rained overnight but we were able to play in superb conditions, although a bit humid!

Scores were mediocre but one score should not have been. Nigel Stubbs after 12 holes was 2 under par off the stick and had already amassed 32 stableford points, however, the wheels then fell off and he only scored another 4 points from the last 6 holes!

In third was Bill Duthie with 31 points. Brian Rundle was second with 33 points, but Nigel still hung on to first place with 36 points

Brian, Nigel and Bill

Hariphunchai June 26th 2024

Lanna, 24.06.2024

9 players on a beautiful day. A little slow as many tourists are back but we still played in 4 hours 10 minutes. No takers for the Birdie Hole.  John Orlebeck(28) came 3rd with 34. Noi Taylor(24) came 2nd with 35 and Ian Rogers(19) came 1st with 36 points. Hope to see more people next week.

Ian, Noi and John

Lanna 1&2 June 24th 2024

Mae Jo, 21.06.2024

11 members for our stableford round today in humid conditions. We had a tie for 3rd with Kuzie and Mark both carding 34 points, in 2nd place was John on 37 points leaving todays winner with a good score of 39 points Eric. Well done all, have a good weekend and see you all again next week.

Kuzie, Eric and John.

Maejo June 21st 2024

North Hill, 21.06.2024

4 members and 1 guest for todays stableford event. Welcome back Frank and Silvan Schwarz. No takers for the birdie hole on week 3. The scoring was to say the least, not good. In second with 24 points was Nigel Stubbs, but not deserving of a prize! Winner takes all was Brian Rundle with 31 points. Hope to see a few more next week. Sorry forgot the photo!

North Hill June 21st 2024

Mae Jo, 19.06.2024

10 members for our round today on a very quiet course. Welcome back to Roger Bishop. To the scores, we had a tie for 2nd. place with Joe and Kuzie both carding 34 points, giving Eric with 38 points the win. Well done all, hope to see you all again on Friday. 

Joe, Eric and Kuzie.

Maejo June 19th 2024

Lanna, 17.06.24

5 members with 4 in the comp. Beautiful day played in just under 4 hours. No takers for the Birdie Hole. Nigel(14) came 2nd with 34 points and Ian(19) came 1st with 36 points.

Ian & Nigel

Lanna June 17th 2024

Maejo, 14.06.2024

Lovely conditions for golf again today. A few sprinklings of rain, but nothing serious. 9 players, so 3 groups of 3 but only 8 in the stableford competition. Some decent scores today. Mark was 3rd with 34, Mike was 2nd with 37 and Kuzie was the winner with 38. Well done!

Maejo June 14th 2024


North Hill, 14.06.2024

Just 5 players today in perfect golfing conditions with a little light rain for half an hour. Today was a strokeplay event. No takers for the birdie hole on week 2. Tied for 1st were Nigel Stubbs and James Ma, both with a nett 70.

James and Nigel

North Hill June 14th 2024

Ric Cameron Memorial @ Mae Jo 13.06.2024.

46 players for the Annual Ric Cameron Memorial Tournment. I hope all had a great day remembering our old mate Ric. It was great to see such a massive turn out. There were some good scores recorded so to the results. In 5th place was Mike Roycroft with 37 points, 4th place was taken out by JJ Walker on 38 points, a tie for 2nd spot between Roland Feraud and Lamyai Prasarn on 39 points, leaving todays winner with 41 points Randy Teisl, 73 off the stick, great golfing. Many an ale was had at the Godfather following the event. Cheers to Ric, gone but not forgotten !

Randy Teisl winner 2024.

Roland, Lamyai, Randy, JJ and Mike.

Maejo June 12th 2024

Lanna, 10.06.24

5 players on a quiet cool morning on 3 & 1. No takers for the Birdie Hole. We had a tie for the win between Ian Rogers(18) and John Orlebeck(27) with 39 points. Hope to see more people next week.

Ian & John

Ian and John

Lanna 3&1 June 10th 2024

Maejo, 07.06.2024

A lovely cool day for golf, a light rain just after we finished. Not busy either and we were in the caddy shack and on the beer by 11.30. 13 players today, all in the stableford comp. Aom was 4th with 33, Randy and Donald were 2nd equal with 35 and Mike won with 40. See you al next week for the Rick Cameron Memorial .

Maejo June 7th 2024

North Hill, 07.06.2024

Just 3 members for today’s stableford in lovely golfing conditions. No takers for the birdie hole on week 1, probably due to the absence of Bill Duthie! Just a lone winner today, Garry Walker with a great 41 points. Farewell to Tom Berger for the time being. Hope to see more next week.

Garry and coffee.

North Hill June 7th 2024

Hariphunchai, 05.06.2024

10 members today, but there should have been 11. If you advise me that you wish to play and then for whatever reason you cannot make it, please telephone me. It is only courtesy and prevents the rest of the group waiting for a no-show! Having got that off my chest, to the results –

Most scores were mediocre to poor. Serge Arnaud scraped in and took third place with just 33 points. However, we also had two excellent scores. Bill Duthie came second with 39 points, but our winner today was Tom Berger with an excellent 40 points.

Just a reminder that there will be no golf at Hari for the next two weeks. Next Wednesday is the Ric Cameron Memorial at Maejo (if you haven’t got your name down for it yet, please email Kuzie), and the following week the captain has prior commitments.

See you all hopefully at Hari in three weeks time!

Bill, Tom and Serge

Hariphunchai June 5th 2024

Mae Jo, 05.06.2024

8 members for todays stableford round in very humid conditions on a very quiet course. To the results, 3rd was was taken out by Kuzie with 34 points, 2nd was Don with 35 points and todays winner was Rob with 37 points. Well done all see you again on Friday.

Kuzie, Rob and Don.

Maejo June 5th 2024

Lanna 1 & 2 June 3rd 2024

5 members, 4 finished Stroke Play on 1 & 2. No takers for the Birdie Hole. Prajat Bacchi (26) came 2nd with net 72 and Serge Arnaud (21) won with net 68.

Prajat and Serge

Prajat and Serge

Lanna 1 & 2 June 3rd 2024


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